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  • Guangzhou Rong 'an Fire Equipment Co., LTD

    Mr. Chen's telephone number:13928768802

    Mr. Huang's telephone number:13711155165

    Landline telephone:Landline telephone:020-31143089



    Address: 15 Yongfeng Road, Shawan Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province

Product detail
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    Construction time: June 2016

    Project name: Guangzhou Wambo Metro Nord Center Project

    Company name: Sichuan Ziyang Yongcheng Labor Service

    Project content: Cabinet HFC-227ea fire-extinguishing device for Nord Center of Guangzhou Wanbo Metro

    Project area: Guangzhou Wambo Metro Nord Center

    Engineering consumption: Total protection area of the system: 946m², total amount of HFC-227ea reagent in the system: 550kg. Total protection area of fire extinguishing device: 1355m²,

    Total quantity of HFC-227ea agent for fire extinguishing device: 788kg.

    China railway center of south China plate noble center is located in panyu, panyu new town, guangzhou ‌ ‌ south station, pazhou, waterfront CBD center of intersection. The project is located in a region adjacent to Huambo Business District, which will be built into the second class of "Zhujiang New Town" cbd in Guangzhou. Covering an area of 15,751 square meters with a total construction area of 12,607 square meters, Guangzhou Nordisk Center will be planned as a high-end complex of business facilities and business offices. The green rate is 23%, the floor area ratio is 5.35, and there are 1,614 parking Spaces. China Railway Nord Center is the chief high-end commercial complex in Guangzhou of China Railway Group, one of the world's top 500 double enterprises. It is located in Nancun Huambo Station of Line 7, with convenient transportation and unlimited potential. Adjacent to the Wanda Plaza in Panyu, it is the first 5a Class A intelligent office building in the Huambo Business District, with excellent business image. The project also has an out-of-edition and scarce corporate club showing the identity of quality. Currently, the headquarters of Ctrip South China has entered the Center, providing world-class property services, and striving to fully meet the needs of high-end business and match the high-end image of enterprises. Create a new business pattern of Huambo Center.

Copyright © 2015    Guangzhou Rong 'an Fire Equipment Co., LTD   All rights reserved

Contact: Mr. Chen   Phone:13928768802   Mr. Huang   Phone:13711155165 Tel:020-31143089   Fax:020-31143992   Address: 15 Yongfeng Road, Shawan Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province  Registration license No. :粤ICP备16114979号

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