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  • Guangzhou Rong 'an Fire Equipment Co., LTD

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News Detail
  • NOVEC1230 perfluorohexanone fire extinguishing system
    categories of news:Corporate news   Author:handler    Published on:2022-04-264    Text:【big】【medium】【small

                               NOVEC1230 perfluorohexanone fire extinguishing system

    NOVEC1230 perfluorophenone fire extinguishing system, cabinet type perfluorophenone fire extinguishing system, official website type perfluorophenone fire extinguishing system complete specifications, professional gas fire extinguishing manufacturers.

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Contact: Mr. Chen   Phone:13928768802   Mr. Huang   Phone:13711155165 Tel:020-31143089   Fax:020-31143992   Address: 15 Yongfeng Road, Shawan Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province  Registration license No. :粤ICP备16114979号

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